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DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1584547
Suture-Button Reconstruction of the Interosseous Membrane
Publication History
19 May 2016
23 May 2016
Publication Date:
20 June 2016 (online)

Background Reconstruction of the interosseous membrane (IOM) may play a role in the treatment of acute and chronic longitudinal forearm instability. Several reconstruction techniques have been proposed. Suture-button reconstruction is attractive because it obviates donor site morbidity and is relatively easy to perform. How this method compares to its alternatives, however, is unknown.
Materials and Methods We review literature describing reconstruction of the forearm axis. We describe how we perform suture-button reconstruction of the IOM, summarize our previously published biomechanical data on the subject, and offer a case report.
Description of Technique A suture-button is implanted so as to approximate the course of the interosseous ligament. This may be accomplished percutaneously, or when grafting is desired, through an open approach.
Results Data informing the choice of one reconstruction technique over another consist mostly of biomechanical studies and a small number of case reports.
Conclusions Suture-button reconstruction of the IOM may encourage anatomic healing of acute forearm axis injuries especially as an adjunct to radial head replacement or repair. Chronic injuries may benefit from a combination suture-button graft construct and ulnar shortening osteotomy.
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