Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Rep 2016; 05(01): 36-38
DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1586231
Case Report: Cardiac
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Acute Pulmonary Artery Obstruction as the Primary Manifestation of a Rapidly Growing Intimal Sarcoma in a 54-Year-Old Patient

Sumi Westhofen
1   Department for Cardiovascular Surgery, University Heart Center Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Christian Kugler
2   Department for Thoracic Surgery, Lung Clinic Grosshansdorf, Großhansdorf, Germany
Hermann Reichenspurner
1   Department for Cardiovascular Surgery, University Heart Center Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Tobias Deuse
1   Department for Cardiovascular Surgery, University Heart Center Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
› Author Affiliations
Further Information

Publication History

11 April 2016

14 June 2016

Publication Date:
30 August 2016 (online)


Pulmonary artery sarcoma is a rare malignant neoplasm that is often misdiagnosed and most often only recognized postmortem during the autopsy. We present the case of a male patient with a rapidly progressive pulmonary tumor who underwent urgent pneumonectomy for increasing symptoms of chest pain and septic clinical picture. Histological analysis revealed the diagnosis of a pulmonary artery sarcoma. Despite an R1-resection and adjuvant chemotherapy, the patient is in good clinical health and free of tumor relapse 1 year after the surgery.

  • References

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