Journal of Pediatric Neuroradiology 2016; 05(04): 253-255
DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1597659
Case Report
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart • New York

Iniencephalic Fetus Detected on Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Tugay Onal
1   Kocaeli University School of Medicine, Kocaeli, Turkey
Guven Onur Afacan
1   Kocaeli University School of Medicine, Kocaeli, Turkey
Yonca Anik
2   Department of Radiology, Kocaeli University School of Medicine, Kocaeli, Turkey
Gur Akansel
2   Department of Radiology, Kocaeli University School of Medicine, Kocaeli, Turkey
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12. April 2016

13. August 2016

26. Dezember 2016 (online)


Fetal iniencephaly is an uncommon neural tube anomaly characterized by fixed retroflexion of the head, an occipital defect, and cervicothoracic rachischisis. Polyhydramnios and elevated levels of α-fetoprotein are present in most cases. Fetal iniencephaly can be detected on antenatal ultrasonography. If undiagnosed prenatally, it may result in a difficult delivery as well a multitude of postnatal problems for both the patient and the family. Early antenatal diagnosis is therefore important. We present a case of iniencephaly detected on ultrasonography and fetal magnetic resonance imaging.

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