Published as part of the 50 Years SYNTHESIS – Golden Anniversary Issue
This short review summarizes the examples to date of successful (4+3) cycloadditions, including formal (4+3) cycloadditions, where pyrrole derivatives reacted as the diene component, to provide aza-bridged bicyclic and polycyclic adducts.
1 Introduction
2 Unsubstituted Pyrroles as Dienes in (4+3) Cycloadditions
3 C-Substituted Pyrroles as Dienes in (4+3) Cycloadditions
4 Intramolecular Pyrrole (4+3) Cycloadditions
5 Conclusions
Key words (4+3) cycloadditions - pyrroles - oxyallylic cations - tropanes - alkaloids - aza-bridge - cyclopropanation - Cope rearrangement