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DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1612642
Tympanolith in the Middle Ear
Background A tympanolith is a calcified body within the middle ear cavity, arising as a result of calcification as a possible nidus (extrinsic or intrinsic).
Case Report A male patient with a known history of diabetes presented with painless, non-foul smelling, chronically discharging right ear more than 20 years duration with an associated hearing loss. Routine investigations were within normal limits, pure tone audiometry findings were suggestive of profound hearing loss in the affected ear. Otoendoscopy revealed a tympanolith, which was removed, following which a moderate size central perforation with an edematous middle ear mucosa was noted.
Discussion Tympanolith is a rare condition which is known to occur in a chronically discharging ear, it’s usually hard, gritty with a smooth surface.
Conclusion In chronically discharging ears with a calcified mass lesion, tympanolith should be considered as differential diagnosis.
25. Januar 2019 (online)
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