Thromb Haemost 2002; 88(05): 745-749
DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1613296
Review Article
Schattauer GmbH

Coagulation Markers Predict Survival in Cancer Patients

J. H. Beer
1   Department of Medicine, Kantonsspital Baden
A. Haeberli
2   Department of Medicine, Laboratory for Thrombosis Research, University Hospital of Bern
A. Vogt
2   Department of Medicine, Laboratory for Thrombosis Research, University Hospital of Bern
K. Woodtli
2   Department of Medicine, Laboratory for Thrombosis Research, University Hospital of Bern
E. Henkel
2   Department of Medicine, Laboratory for Thrombosis Research, University Hospital of Bern
Th. Furrer
3   Institute for Medical Oncology, University Hospital of Bern, Switzerland
M. F. Fey
3   Institute for Medical Oncology, University Hospital of Bern, Switzerland
› Institutsangaben
Supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, Grant-No. 31-40’822.94 (to JHB) and the Swiss Cancer League (subsections Bern and Solothurn, to JHB)
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Received 20. August 2001

Accepted after resubmission 01. August 2002

08. Dezember 2017 (online)


In order to prospectively evaluate the predictive value of coagulation markers such as the fibrin Ddimer for survival of cancer patients, we analyzed their role in a prospective study at a University Hospital Institute of Medical Oncology.

268 consecutive outpatients with cancer were included, 72 in remission and 196 with active disease. All cause mortality in relation to the marker levels was measured.

99/268 patients died during the observation period of 4484 patient months (mean: 17 months). Patients with active disease had a significant, 1.5-5-fold increased marker concentration compared to patients in remission. When analyzed in quartiles, the data showed a lower than predicted death rate in the first quartile and a significantly elevated mortality in the fourth marker quartile. The odds ratio for death predicted by the fibrin monomer (FM) in the fourth vs. the first quartile was 4.1 (95% C. I.: 1.7-9.7) and p = 0.005 for the multivariate analysis of the markers.

We conclude that a single determination of coagulation markers, particularly of TAT, FM, and Ddimer is sufficient to strongly predict survival in cancer patients over the following 1-3 years.

* Presented in part at the 29th annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine, 2nd-5th April 1995 and published in abstract form in the Schweiz Med Wschr 1997; 127 (Suppl 88) and in Blood 1997; 90 (Suppl 104).

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