Thromb Haemost 2002; 88(06): 9540-9560
DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1613340
Involvement of Thrombin Receptors in the Subject-dependent Variability in Ca2+ Signal Generation
Schattauer GmbH

Coagulation Factor VII Activity, Arg/Gln353 Polymorphism and Features of Insulin Resistance in First-Degree-Relatives of South Asian Patients with Stroke

Kirti Kain
1   Academic Unit of Molecular Vascular Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds General Infirmary, UK
Andrew J. Catto
1   Academic Unit of Molecular Vascular Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds General Infirmary, UK
John Young
1   Academic Unit of Molecular Vascular Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds General Infirmary, UK
John Bamford
1   Academic Unit of Molecular Vascular Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds General Infirmary, UK
John Bavington
1   Academic Unit of Molecular Vascular Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds General Infirmary, UK
Peter J. Grant
1   Academic Unit of Molecular Vascular Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds General Infirmary, UK
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Received 22. April 2002

Accepted after resubmission 17. September 2002

09. Dezember 2017 (online)


The aim of the study was to determine associations of factor VII:C levels in 140 South Asian stroke subjects and 143 first-degree relatives versus age-sex matched 146 control subjects without a personal or a family history of stroke subjects living in UK. There were no significant differences in Factor VII:C levels or FVII Msp I gene polymorphism (Arg-Gln 353) R353Q genotype frequency between the groups. R353Q genotype determined Factor VII:C levels in all the three groups. Factor VII:C levels correlated with triglycerides (patients, r = 0.23; relatives r = 27; control subjects, r = 0.24) and plasminogen activator inhibitor activity (patients, r = 0.30; relatives r = 0.22; control subjects r = 0.20) in all the three groups, but with insulin only in patients (p = 0.19). Circulating levels of Factor VII:C are determined by R353Q genotype and cluster with other risk factors associated with insulin resistance in South Asian ischaemic stroke patients, first-degree relatives and control subjects but are not related to stroke or a family history of stroke.

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