Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Inhaltsverzeichnis Thromb Haemost 2003; 89(05): 943-944DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1613482 Letters to the Editor Schattauer GmbH Cross-linking of fibrinogen by factor XIII zymogen is not apparent in vivo John R. Shainoff , Patricia M. DiBello Artikel empfehlen Abstract als PDF herunterladen Artikel einzeln kaufen PDF (142 kb) Referenzen References 1 Siebenlist KR, Meh DA, Mosesson MW.. Protansglutaminase (Factor XIII) mediated crosslinking of fibrinogen and fibrin. Thromb Haemost 2001; 86: 1221-8. 2 Tyler HM, Laki K.. Purification and properties of a fibrin cross-linking transamidase from rabbit liver. Biochem 1967; 6: 3259-63. 3 Janus TJ, Lewis SD, Lorand L, Shafer JA.. Promotion of thrombin-catalyzed action of factor XIII by fibrinogean. Biochem 1983; 22: 6269-72. 4 Lorand L, Konishi K.. Activation of fibrin stabilizing factor of plasma by thrombin. Arch Biochem Biophys 1964; 105: 58-67. 5 Naski MC, Lorand L, Shafer JA.. Characterization of the kinetic pathway for fibrin promotion of a-thrombin-catalyzed activation of plasma factor XIII. Biochem 1991; 20: 934-41. 6 Greenberg CS, Miraglia CC.. The effect of fibrin polymers on thrombin- catalyzed plasma factor XHIa formation. Blood 1985; 66: 466-9. 7 Shainoff JR, Valenzuela R, Urbanic DA, DiBello PM, Lucas FV, Graor R.. Fibrinogen Aα- and γ-chain dimers as potential differential indicators of atherosclerotic and thrombotic vascular disease. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 1990; 1: 499-503. 8 Dardik BN, Shainoff JR.. Kinetic characterization of a saturable pathway for rapid clearance of circulating fibrin monomer. Blood 1985; 65: 680-8. 9 Shainoff JR, Dardik BN.. Effects of cross-linking on clearance of circulating α-fibrin monomer and its complexes. J Lab Clin Med 1990; 115: 314-23. 10 Muszbek L, Polgar J, Boda z.. Platelet factor XIII becomes active without the release of activation peptide during platelet activation. Thromb Haemostas 1993; 69: 282-5. 11 Greenberg CS, Achyuthan KE, Borowitz MJ, Shuman MA.. The transglu-taminase in vascular cells and tissues could provide an alternate pathway for fibrin stabilization. Blood 1987; 70: 702-9. 12 Lee KN, Birckbichler PJ, Fesus L.. Purification of human erythrocyte transglutaminase by immunoaffinity chromatography. Preparative Biochemistry 1986; 16: 321-35. 13 Shainoff JR, Urbanic DA, DiBello PM.. Immunoelectrophoretic charac-terizations of the cross-linking of fibrinogen and fibrin by plasma- and tissue-transglutaminase. Identification of a rapid mode of hybrid α/γ-chain cross-linking that is promoted by the γ-chain cross-linking. J Biol Chem 1991; 266: 6429-37. 14 Brummel KE, Butenas S, Mann KG.. An integrated study of fibrinogen during blood coagulation. J Biol Chem 1999; 274: 22862-70. 15 Shainoff JR, Estafanous FG, Yared JP, DiBello PM, Kottke-Marchant K, Loop FD.. Low factor XIIIA levels are associated with increased blood loss after coronary artery bypass grafting. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1994; 108: 437-45.