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DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1614374
Two Distinct Mutations Cause Severe Hemophilia B in Two Unrelated Canine Pedigrees
00. November 1998
Accepted after revision
21. Mai 1998
08. Dezember 2017 (online)

The molecular defects causing severe factor IX deficiency were identified in two distinct canine breed-variants. Both defects were associated with an absence of plasma factor IX coagulant activity and antigen. A large deletion mutation was found in 1 breed variant, spanning the entire 5’ region of the factor IX gene extending to exon 6. An approximately 5 kb insertion disrupted exon 8 of the second breed-variant. This insertion was associated with alternative splicing between a donor site 5’ and acceptor site 3’ to the normal exon 8 splice junction, with introduction of a new stop codon. The resultant transcript lacked most of the factor IX catalytic domain and 3’ untranslated region. Molecular analyses of canine hemophilia B define an experimental model for study of inhibitor formation and gene therapy strategies, and provide insight into spontaneous mutation mechanisms in the factor IX gene and on the X chromosome of mammalian species.
1 Current address: Dr. Kunal Ray, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Jadavpur, Calcutta
2 Current address: Dr. Weikuan Gu, Molecular Genetics Center, JL Pettis Memorial VAMC and Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, USA
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