Thromb Haemost 1999; 82(01): 151-152
DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1614648
Schattauer GmbH
Inhibitor Development in a Multitransfused Patient with Severe Haemophilia A
H. M. van den Berg
From the Van Creveld Clinic, University Hospital Utrecht/Wilhelmina Childrens’ Hospital, Utrecht, The Netherlands
G. Roosendaal
From the Van Creveld Clinic, University Hospital Utrecht/Wilhelmina Childrens’ Hospital, Utrecht, The Netherlands
J. Voorberg
From the CLB Sanquin Blood Supply Foundation, The Netherlands
E.P. Mauser-Bunschoten
From the Van Creveld Clinic, University Hospital Utrecht/Wilhelmina Childrens’ Hospital, Utrecht, The Netherlands
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