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DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1615835
Factor VIII-Factor IX Interactions: Molecular Sites Involved in Enzyme-Cofactor Complex Assembly
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Publication Date:
09 December 2017 (online)

The activation of factor X is one of the steps in the coagulation cascade that is driven by the assembly of an activated serine protease with a membrane-bound cofactor. In the initial phase of coagulation, factor X is activated by the complex of activated factor VII (factor VIIa) and tissue factor. Subsequently, during the so-called propagation phase, factor X activation is catalyzed by the complex of activated factor IX (factor IXa) and activated factor VIII (factor VIIIa). In these complexes, factor VIIa and factor IXa are the factor X-activating enzymes, whereas tissue factor and factor VIIIa serve as non-enzymatic cofactors.1 Factors VIIa and IXa are highly homologous to other cofactor-dependent enzymes, such as activated factor X (factor Xa) and activated protein C, both in amino acid sequence, domain organization, and three-dimensional structure.2 Factor VIIa and IXa further share low or negligible activity towards their natural substrate factor X, unless in complex with their physiological cofactors.
Although tissue factor and factor VIIIa serve similar roles as biological amplifiers, they are structurally different. Tissue factor is a small, transmembrane protein with an extracellular part comprising 219 amino acids. Factor VIII is much larger (2,332 amino acids), circulates in plasma, and requires proteolytic processing to exert its biological activity.3 When cofactors are assembled with their respective enzymes, a dramatic increase in enzymatic activity occurs. The underlying molecular mechanism, however, remains poorly understood.
During the past few years, remarkable progress has been made in understanding the molecular details of enzyme-cofactor assembly within the coagulation cascade. Crystallography has provided high-resolution structures of tissue factor4 and the various cofactor-dependent coagulation enzymes.2 Moreover, the crystal structure of the factor VIIa—tissue factor complex has been resolved and has allowed the identification of the molecular sites involved in enzyme-cofactor interaction.5,6 Such details are still lacking, however, for the factor IXa—factor VIIIa complex. Current views are derived from three-dimensional models generated by homology modeling based on structurally-related proteins, such as nitrite reductase,7 ceruloplasmin,8 and galactose oxidase.9 Despite their inherent limitations, these models greatly facilitate the interpretation of previous functional studies on factor X activation. As such, the availability of molecular models may be considered an important step toward resolving the structure of the factor IXa—factor VIIIa complex and understanding the role of complex assembly and defects thereof. This chapter provides an overview of the current developments in this field.
- 1 Mann KG, Nesheim ME, Church WR, Haley P, Krishnaswamy S. Surface dependent reactions of the vitamin K-dependent enzyme complexes. Blood 1990; 76: 1-16.
- 2 Bode W, Brandstetter H, Mather T, Stubbs MT. Comparative analysis of haemostatic proteinases: structural aspects of thrombin, factor Xa, factor IXa and protein C. Thromb Haemost. 1997; 78: 501-511.
- 3 Lenting PJ, Van Mourik JA, Mertens K. The life cycle of coagulation factor VIII in view of its structure and function. Blood 1998; 92: 3983-3996.
- 4 Harlos K, Martin DMA, O’Brien DP, Jones EY, Stuart DI, Polikarpov I, Miller A, Tuddenham EGD, Boys CWG. Crystal structure of the extracellular region of human tissue factor. Nature 1994; 370: 662-666.
- 5 Banner DW, D’Arcy A, Chène C, Winkler FK, Guha A, Konigsberg WH, Nemerson Y, Kirchhofer D. The crystal structure of the complex of blood coagulation factor VIIa with soluble tissue factor. Nature 1996; 380: 41-46.
- 6 Edgington TS, Dickinson CD, Ruf W. The structural basis of function of the TF:VIIa complex in the cellular initiation of coagulation. Thromb Haemost. 1997; 78: 401-405.
- 7 Pan Y, DeFay T, Gitschier J, Cohen FE. Proposed structure of the A domains of factor VIII by homology modelling. Nat Struct Biol. 1995; 2: 740-744.
- 8 Pemberton S, Lindley P, Zaitsev V, Card G, Tuddenham EGD, Kemball-Cook G. A molecular model for the triplicated A domains of human factor VIII based on the crystal structure of human ceruloplasmin. Blood 1997; 89: 2413-2421.
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- 21 Kaufman RJ. Post-translational modifications required for coagulation factor secretion and function. Thromb Haemost. 1998; 79: 1068-1079.
- 22 Mertens K, Cupers R, Van Wijngaarden A, Bertina RM. Binding of human blood coagulation factors IXa and X to phospholipid membranes. Biochem J. 1984; 223: 599-605.
- 23 Freedman SJ, Blostein MD, Baleja JD, Jacobs M, Furie BC, Furie B. Identification of the phospholipid binding site in the vitamin K-dependent blood coagulation protein factor IX. J Biol Chem. 1996; 271: 16227-16236.
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- 26 Mutucumarana VP, Duffy EJ, Lollar P, Johnson AE. The active site of factor IXa is located far above the membrane surface and its conformation is altered upon association with factor VIIIa. J Biol Chem. 1992; 267: 17012-17021.
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- 28 Gilbert GE, Drinkwater D, Barter S, Clouse SB. Specificity of phosphatidylserine-containing membrane binding sites for factor VIII. J Biol Chem. 1992; 267: 15861-15868.
- 29 Gilbert GE, Furie BC, Furie B. Binding of human factor VIII to phospholipids. J Biol Chem. 1990; 265: 815-822.
- 30 Gilbert GE, Drinkwater D. Specific membrane binding of factor VIII is mediated by O-phospho-L-serine, a moiety of phosphatidylserine. Biochemistry. 1993; 32: 9577-9585.
- 31 Spaargaren J, Giessen PLA, Janssen MP, Voorberg J, Willems GM, van Mourik JA. Binding of blood coagulation factor VIII and its light chain to phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine bilayers as measured by ellipsometry. Biochem J. 1995; 310: 539-545.
- 32 Foster PA, Fulcher CA, Houghten RA, Zimmerman TS. Synthetic factor VIII peptides with amino acid sequences contained within the C2 domain of factor VIII inhibit factor VIII binding to phosphatidyl serine. Blood 1990; 75: 1999-2004.
- 33 Lenting PJ, Donath MJSH, van Mourik JA, Mertens K. Identification of a binding site for blood coagulation factor IXa on the light chain of human factor VIII. J Biol Chem. 1994; 269: 7150-7155.
- 34 O’Brien LM, Medved LV, Fay PJ. Localization of factor IXa and factor VIIIa interactive sites. J Biol Chem. 1995; 270: 27087-27092.
- 35 Fay PJ, Koshibu K. The A2 subunit of factor VIIIa modulates the active site of factor IXa. J Biol Chem. 1998; 273: 19049-19054.
- 36 Lapan KA, Fay PJ. Localization of a factor X interactive site in the A1 subunit of factor VIIIa. J Biol Chem. 1997; 272: 2082-2088.
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- 38 Lenting PJ, ter Maat H, Clijsters PPFM, Donath MJSH, van Mourik JA, Mertens K. Cleavage at arginine 145 in human blood coagulation factor IX converts the zymogen into a factor VIII binding enzyme. J Biol Chem. 1995; 270: 14884-14890.
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