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DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1616911
Unusual bleeds, unusual clots[*]
Ungewöhnliche Blutungen und GerinnselPublication History
Publication Date:
27 December 2017 (online)

Nine unusual bleeding and clotting disorders (or mimickers of such) are described in the format of case presentations, with focus on clinical history, images and diagnostic tests, followed by a discussion of the disease itself and a summarizing clinical teaching point. The disease entities discussed are acquired factor VIII inhibitor, acquired von Willebrand factor inhibitor, haemophilic pseudotumour, Gardner-Diamond syndrome, coumarin-induced skin necrosis, purple toe syndrome, brachiocephalic vein thrombosis with breast enlargement, and leg swelling due to nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy and lymphoedema. The publication is meant to demonstrate the fascination of clinical coagulation.
Neun ungewöhnliche Blutungs- und Thromboseerkrankungen (oder Erkrankungen, die damit verwechselt werden können) werden dargestellt bzg. Symptomatik, Klinik, Diagnostik und Diskussion einschl. klinischer ,,teaching point“. Vorgestellt werden: erworbener Faktor-VIII-Inhibitor, erworbener von-Willebrand-Faktor-Inhibitor, hämophiler Pseudotumor, Gardner-Diamond-Syndrom, Coumarin- induzierte Hautnekrose, Purple-toe-Syndrom, Brustschwellung durch Vena-brachiocephalica-Thrombose und Beinschwellung aufgrund nephrogener fibrosierender Dermatopathie und Lymphödem. Die Darstellungen sollen die Faszination der klinischen Gerinnung vermitteln.
Coagulation - bleeding - thrombosis - vena cava syndrome - nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy - warfarin skin necrosis - lymphoedema - factor VIII inhibitor - pseudotumour - haemophilia - von Willebrand factor inhibitor - Gardner Diamond syndrome - purple toe syndrome - brachiocephalic vein thrombosis - superior vena cava syndromeSchlüsselwörter
Gerinnung - Blutung - Thrombose - nephrogene fibrosierende Dermatopathie - Coumarin-induzierte Hautnekrose - Lymphödem - Faktor-VIII-Inhibitor - Pseudotumor - Hämophilie - von-Willebrand-Erkrankung - Gardner-Diamond- Syndrom - Purple-toe-Syndrom - Vena-brachiocephalica- Thrombose - Vena-cava-Syndrom* This article is dedicated to my father, Dr. Helmut Moll, paediatrician, Papenburg, Germany, to his 80th birthday. His clinical images of paediatric medicine are an inspiration for me and a guideline for excellence.
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