Pneumologie 2018; 72(S 01): S32-S33
DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1619203
Sektion 7 – Klinische Pneumologie
Posterbegehung – Titel: Asthma II und Mukoviszidose
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Tiotropium Respimat®: efficacy in elderly asthma patients

E Beck
1   IFG Institut für Gesundheitsförderung, Rüdersdorf
D Doherty
2   University of Kentucky, Lexington
ER Bleecker
3   Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, USA
P Moroni-Zentgraf
4   Boehringer Ingelheim, Ingelheim
M Engel
4   Boehringer Ingelheim, Ingelheim
A Mueller
5   Boehringer Ingelheim, Biberach
HAM Kerstjens
6   University Medical Center Groningen
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21. Februar 2018 (online)



To resolve knowledge gaps and further understand asthma in older adults, we assessed the efficacy and safety of once-daily tiotropium Respimat® (tioR) add-on to at least inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) maintenance therapy in patients aged < 65 and ≥65 years with symptomatic asthma.


Four Phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group trials. PrimoTinA-asthma®: once-daily tioR 5 µg or placebo add-on to ICS (≥800 µg budesonide or equivalent) + a long-acting β2-agonist, for 48 weeks; MezzoTinA-asthma®: once-daily tioR 5 µg or 2.5 µg, twice-daily salmeterol via hydrofluoroalkane metered-dose inhaler 50 µg, or placebo (double-dummy design) add-on to ICS (400 – 800 µg budesonide or equivalent), for 24 weeks. Exclusion criteria included chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Peak forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) within 3 hours post-dose and trough FEV1 responses at Week 24 were co-primary endpoints. We conducted a subgroup analysis of FEV1 responses in patients aged < 65 and ≥65 years.


Number of patients treated in < 65 and ≥65 years groups, respectively: PrimoTinA, n = 745, n = 167; MezzoTinA, n = 1996, n = 104. TioR 5 µg and 2.5 µg provided statistically significant improvements in peak FEV1 and trough FEV1 responses vs. placebo in patients aged < 65 and ≥65 years in all trials (Table). Frequency of adverse events (AEs) and serious AEs with tioR was comparable with that of placebo and similar between subgroups.

Tab. 1:

Improvements In peak FEV1(0 – 3h) and trough FEV1 with tiotropium Respimat® versus placebo at Week 24

Peak FEV1(0 – 3h)

adjusted mean difference ± SE. mL (95% CI), p value

Trough FEV1

adjusted mean difference ± SE, mL (95% CI), p value

< 65 years

≥65 years

< 65 years

≥65 years


5 µg, n = 379

5 µg, n = 74

5 µg, n = 379

5 µg, n = 74

Tiotropium Respimat®
5 µg QD

100 ± 28 (45, 155).


144 ± 39 (67, 221).


87 ± 26 (37, 137).


114 ± 38 (40, 189).

0 0028


5 µg, n = 480; 2.5 µg, n = 492

5 µg, n = 33; 2.5 µg, n = 23

5 µg, n = 480; 2.5 µg, n = 492

5 µg, n = 33; 2.5 µg, n = 23

Tiotropium Respimat®

5 pg QD

187 ± 21 (146. 227).

< 0.0001

152 ± 53 (48. 257).

146 ± 22 (103. 190).

<n nnni

139 ± 57 (27.251).


Tiotropium Respimat®

2.5 pg QD

222 ± 20 (182, 262),

< 0.0001

248 ± 57 (135, 360),

< 0.0001

179 ± 22 (136, 222),

< 0.0001

196 ± 61 (75, 316),


Means are adjusted for treatment, center, visit, visit-by-treatment, baseline, and baseline-by-visit

aPooled data; bAdd-on to ICS + a long-acting β2-agonist; cAdd-on to ICS

CI, confidence interval; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second: FEV1(0 – 3h). FEV1 within 3 hours post-dose: QD, once daily; SE, standard error


Once-daily tiotropium Respimat® add-on to at least ICS significantly improved lung function, with a safety profile comparable with that of placebo, in elderly and younger adults with symptomatic asthma.

Funding: The study was funded by Boehringer Ingelheim.

Previously submitted to the 113th Int. Conf. of the ATS, 2017