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DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1620263
The Impact of Physician EHR Usage on Patient Satisfaction
16. Juni 2017
15. November 2017
03. Januar 2018 (online)

Background and Significance
The increased emphasis on patient satisfaction has coincided with the growing adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) throughout the U.S. The 2001 Institute of Medicine Report, “Crossing the Quality Chasm,” identified patient-centered care as a key element of quality health care.[1] In response to this call, the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey was developed to assess patients' health care experiences in the inpatient setting. Simultaneously, financial incentives have facilitated the rapid adoption of EHR applications, with 84% of hospitals maintaining at least a basic EHR in 2015 (a ninefold increase since 2008).[2]
Despite the concurrent deployment of patient satisfaction surveys and EHRs, there is a poor understanding of the relationship that may exist between physician usage of the EHR and patient satisfaction. Most prior research into the impact of the EHR on physician–patient communication has been observational, describing the behaviors of physicians and patients when the clinician accesses an EHR in the exam room. Past research has shown that encounters where physicians access the EHR are often filled with long pauses,[3] and that few clinicians attempt to engage patients by sharing what they are looking at on the screen.[4] A recent meta-analysis reviewing 53 papers found that only 7 studies attempted to correlate objective observations of physician communication behaviors with patient perceptions by eliciting feedback from the patients.[5] No study used a standardized assessment tool of patient satisfaction. The authors conclude that additional work is necessary to better understand the patient perspective of the presence of an EHR during a clinical encounter.
Additionally, increasing EHR adoption and emphasis on patient satisfaction have also corresponded with rising physician burnout rates.[6] [7] Prior work suggests that EHR adoption may be contributing to this trend.[8] Burnout from the EHR may be due in part to the significant amount of time physicians spend logged into systems, documenting long after clinic has ended in effort to avoid disrupting the patient–physician relationship.[9]
We used existing data sources to describe the relationship between the amount of time physicians spend logged in to the EHR—both during daytime hours as well after clinic hours—and performance on a validated patient satisfaction survey. Our null hypothesis is that there is no relationship between increased time logged in to the EHR and patient satisfaction.
- 1 Crossing the Quality Chasm. A New Health System for the 21st Century. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 2001
- 2 Henry J, Pylypchuk Y, Searcy T, Patel V. Adoption of Electronic Health Record Systems among U.S. Non-Federal Acute Care Hospitals: 2008-2015. . ONC Data Brief 35; 2016
- 3 Gibbings-Isaac D, Iqbal M, Tahir MA, Kumarapeli P, de Lusignan S. The pattern of silent time in the clinical consultation: an observational multichannel video study. Fam Pract 2012; 29 (05) 616-621
- 4 Kumarapeli P, de Lusignan S. Using the computer in the clinical consultation; setting the stage, reviewing, recording, and taking actions: multi-channel video study. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2013; 20 (e1): e67-e75
- 5 Alkureishi MA, Lee WW, Lyons M. , et al. Impact of electronic medical record use on the patient-doctor relationship and communication: a systematic review. J Gen Intern Med 2016; 31 (05) 548-560
- 6 Shanafelt TD, Boone S, Tan L. , et al. Burnout and satisfaction with work-life balance among US physicians relative to the general US population. Arch Intern Med 2012; 172 (18) 1377-1385
- 7 Peckham C. MedScape Lifestyle Report 2016: Bias and Burnout. 2016. Available at: . Accessed January 5, 2017
- 8 Shanafelt TD, Dyrbye LN, Sinsky C. , et al. Relationship between clerical burden and characteristics of the electronic environment with physician burnout and professional satisfaction. Mayo Clin Proc 2016; 91 (07) 836-848
- 9 Friedberg MW, Chen PG, Van Busum KR. , et al. Factors affecting physician professional satisfaction and their implications for patient care, health systems, and health policy. Rand Health Q 2014; 3 (04) 1
- 10 Dyer N, Sorra JS, Smith SA, Cleary PD, Hays RD. Psychometric properties of the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Clinician and Group Adult Visit Survey. Med Care 2012; 50 (Suppl): S28-S34
- 11 Long C, Tsay EL, Jacobo SA, Popat R, Singh K, Chang RT. Factors associated with Patient Press Ganey Satisfaction Scores for ophthalmology patients. Ophthalmology 2016; 123 (02) 242-247
- 12 Gadd CS, Penrod LE. Dichotomy between physicians' and patients' attitudes regarding EMR use during outpatient encounters. Proc AMIA Symp 2000; 275-279
- 13 Simpson M, Buckman R, Stewart M. , et al. Doctor-patient communication: the Toronto consensus statement. BMJ 1991; 303 (6814): 1385-1387
- 14 Haas JS, Cook EF, Puopolo AL, Burstin HR, Cleary PD, Brennan TA. Is the professional satisfaction of general internists associated with patient satisfaction?. J Gen Intern Med 2000; 15 (02) 122-128
- 15 Hall JA, Feldstein M, Fretwell MD, Rowe JW, Epstein AM. Older patients' health status and satisfaction with medical care in an HMO population. Med Care 1990; 28 (03) 261-270
- 16 DiAngi YT, Longhurst CA, Payne TH. Taming the EHR (Electronic Health Record) - there is hope. J Fam Med 2016; 3 (06) 1072