Osteologie 2017; 26(03): 164-170
DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1622098
Originalund Übersichtsarbeiten
Schattauer GmbH

Sarkopenie und “Sarcopenic Obesity” in Nordbayern

Einfluss unterschiedlicher Vorgaben und Messprotokolle auf die PrävalenzrateSarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity in Northern BavariaImpact of different assessment protocols on prevalence rate
W. Kemmler
1   Institut für Medizinische Physik, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen
S. von Stengel
1   Institut für Medizinische Physik, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen
› Institutsangaben
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eingereicht: 13. Januar 2017

angenommen: 19. April 2017

02. Januar 2018 (online)



Ziel der Untersuchung war es, die Prävalenz von Sarkopenie (SA) und Sarcopenic Obesity (SO) bei selbstständig lebenden Männern 70+ zu erfassen und die korrespon-dierende Varianz unterschiedlicher Vorgaben und messtechnischer Varianten zu evaluieren.

Material und Methoden

Insgesamt 965 Männer 70+ aus Nordbayern, Deutschland, wurden in die Untersuchung eingeschlossen. Die SA-Prävalenzrate wurde über die Definition der European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP) diagnostiziert. Als Adipositaskriterium wurde ein Körperfettgehalt von > 28 % festgelegt. Die der EWGSOP-Definition inhärente Varianz wurde über verschiedene Grenzwerte und über messtechnische Variationen der funktionellen SA-Komponenten eingeschätzt.


Die Prävalenz der SA lag bei 5,1 %, die der SO bei 3,8 %. Die Varianz der SA- und SO-Prävalenz lag bei Anwendung der verschiedenen Vorgaben und messtechnischer Details bei 0,9 %–6,0 %; bzw. 0,5 %–4,1%.


Die Prävalenz der Sarkopenie gemäß EWGSOP liegt in einem etwas höheren Bereich als in Europäischen Nachbarländern. Die Anwendung unterschiedlicher Vorgaben und messtechnischer “Details” führt zu signifikanten Variationen der Prävalenzen, was die Notwendigkeit einer Standardisierung verdeutlicht.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT2857660



Due to current demographic trends Sarcopenia and Sarcopenic Obesity (SO) is becoming increasingly important for our fast aging societies. Indeed, the synergistic negative effect of decreased muscle mass combined with increased fat mass may be the most prominent component of disability, frailty and morbidity in older people. However, with respect to varying definitions, components and cut-off points it is difficult to determine the prevalence of both “conditions” in a given population. The aim of the study was thus to determine the prevalence of Sarcopenia und Sarcopenic Obesity in communitydwelling caucasian men 70+ from Northern Bavaria and to determine the inherent variation of the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP) definition using varying approaches, cut-off points and test protocols.

Material and methods

Nine hundred sixty-five (965) community-dwelling caucasian men 70+ living in the area of Erlangen-Nürn-berg, Northern Bavaria, Germany, were included into the project. Prevalence of sarcopenia was diagnosed using the definition of the EWGSOP and applying the T-Score based method. Obesity was determined using body-fat-based approaches with a cutoff point of 28 % as applied for the present calculation. Different EWGSOP based suggestions for the diagnosis of low muscle mass along with varying cut-points for body-fat were calculated and compared. In parallel, different methods to evaluate functional Sarcopenia parameters were applied to estimate the variation within the EWGSOP definition from applying different approaches.


Using the up to date most frequently applied EWGSOP valuation, amongst the present cohort 5.1 % were classified as sarcopenic, the corresponding SO prevalence was 3.8 %. However, using different methods to calculate the EWGSOP approach, prevalence for sarcopenia varied between 0.9 % and 6.0 %, the corresponding range for SO varied between 0.5 % and 4.1 %.


The prevalence of sarcopenia in this German cohort of communitydwelling caucasian men 70 years and older was slightly higher compared with European neighborhood countries that also applied the EWGSOP definition. Although we failed to detect comparable approaches to determine SO in caucasian cohorts this could be expected for SO too. Potentially this could be due to our rather cautious approach within the testing strategy. Indeed, the variation when applying different methods, cut-off points and testing strategy either prescribed or even not addressed by the EWGSOP was higher compared with the application of different Sarcopenia definitions than

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