Nuklearmedizin - NuclearMedicine, Inhaltsverzeichnis Nuklearmedizin 1986; 25(06): 225-226DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1624347 Originalarbeiten — Original Articles Schattauer GmbH First Experiments on Radioimmunodetection with b-12-Monoclonal Antibody Fragments against Breast Cancer Antigen[*] R. Fridrich 1 From the Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland , R. Andres 1 From the Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland , C. Stähli 1 From the Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland , H. R. Zenklusen 1 From the Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland › Institutsangaben Artikel empfehlen Abstract Artikel einzeln kaufen In 14 patients with breast cancer the results of radioimmunoscintigraphy with 123l-labeled b-12 monoclonal antibody fragments were correct in more than two thirds of the patients. Zusammenfassung Bei 14 Patienten mit Mammakarzinom zeigte die Radioimmunszintigraphie mit 123J markierten b-12 monoklonalen Antikörperfragmenten bei über zwei Drittel aller Patienten ein richtiges Ergebnis. Volltext Referenzen REFERENCES 1 Bradwell A, Fairweather D, Dylles P, Keeling A. Limiting factors in the localization of tumours with radiolabeled antibodies. Immunology Today 1985; 06: 163-70. 2 Stähli C, Takacs B, Miggiano V, Staehelin T, Carmann H. Monoclonal antibodies against antigens on breast cancer cells. Experientia 1985; 41: 1377-81.