Nuklearmedizin 1976; 15(04): 160-163
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1624953
Originalarbeiten — Original Articles
Schattauer GmbH

Diagnosis of Superior Vena Caval Obstruction without Syndrome

Diagnose der symptomlosen oberen Vena cava-Verengung
M. D. Kehr*
1   Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Therapy, and Research Services, Veterans Administration Wadsworth Hospital Center, Los Angeles; and University of California at Los Angeles (ULCA) School of Medicine
Z. Petrovich*
1   Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Therapy, and Research Services, Veterans Administration Wadsworth Hospital Center, Los Angeles; and University of California at Los Angeles (ULCA) School of Medicine
G. T. Krishnamurthy**
1   Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Therapy, and Research Services, Veterans Administration Wadsworth Hospital Center, Los Angeles; and University of California at Los Angeles (ULCA) School of Medicine
W. H. Blahd***
1   Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Therapy, and Research Services, Veterans Administration Wadsworth Hospital Center, Los Angeles; and University of California at Los Angeles (ULCA) School of Medicine
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Received:04. April 1976

11. Januar 2018 (online)


Ten patients with known malignant intra-thoracic tumors and no evidence of superior vena cava syndrome were evaluated by means of scintillation camera superior venacavograms. Four of the ten patients proved to have unsuspected involvement of the superior vena cava or its tributaries. The scintillation camera superior venacavogram provides a quick, safe, and accurate method of evaluating the patency of the SVC and its tributaries. We suggest that it should be routinely performed on all patients prior to beginning radiation therapy for malignant intra-thoracic tumors.

Bei 10 Patienten mit bekannten intrathorakalen Tumoren ohne Anhalt für Vena cava superior-Syndrom wurden die Vena cava superior-Untersuchungen, welche mit Hilfe einer Szintillationskamera erstellt wurden, ausgewertet. 4 von 10 Patienten zeigten eine unerwartete Mitbeteiligung der Vena cava superior. Das Venacavogramm der Vena cava superior mit Hilfe einer Kamera stellt eine schnelle, sichere und exakte Methode zur Messung der Durchgängigkeit der Vena cava superior dar. Wir sind der Meinung, daß diese Methode bei allen Patienten vor dem Beginn einer Röntgentherapie maligner intrathorakaler Tumoren routinemäßig angewendet werden soll.

* Michael D. Kehr, M.D., formerly Resident-Clinical Associate, Nuclear Medicine Service, VA Wadsworth Hospital Center. Zbigniew Petrovich, M.D., Chief, Radiation Therapy Service, VA Wadsworth Hospital Center, Los Angeles; and Assistant Professor of Radiology, UCLA School of Medicine.

** G. T. Krishnamurthy, M.D., Staff Physician, Nuclear Medicine Service, VA Wadsworth Hospital Center, Los Angeles; and Assistant Professor of Medicine, UCLA School of Medicine.

*** W.H. Blahd, M.D., Chief, Nuclear Medicine Service, VA Wadsworth Hospital Center, Los Angeles; and Professor of Medicine, UCLA School of Medicine. (Correspondence: Dr. G. T. Krishnamurthy, Nuclear Medicine Service Blgd. 114, Rm. 228 VA Wadsworth Hospital Center Los Angeles, Calif. 90073.)

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