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Nuklearmedizin 2006; 45(06): 248-253
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1625122
Originalarbeiten – Original Articles
Schattauer GmbH

13N-ammonia rest/stress PET

Folic acid improves global coronary vasoreactivity in coronary artery disease patients with normal or elevated homocysteine levels 13N-Ammoniak-PETFolsäure verbessert die globale koronare Flussreserve bei koronar herzkranken Patienten mit normaler oder erhöhter Homocysteinkonzentration
S. Graf
1   Department of Cardiology (Head: Gerald Maurer MD)
M. Nikfardjam
1   Department of Cardiology (Head: Gerald Maurer MD)
A. Khorsand
1   Department of Cardiology (Head: Gerald Maurer MD)
S. Ofluoglu
2   Department of Nuclear Medicine (Head Robert Dudczak MD), Medical University of Vienna
S. Nekolla
3   Department of Technical University Munich (Head: Markus Schwaiger MD), Munich, Germany
R. Dudczak
2   Department of Nuclear Medicine (Head Robert Dudczak MD), Medical University of Vienna
G. Maurer
1   Department of Cardiology (Head: Gerald Maurer MD)
K. Kletter
1   Department of Cardiology (Head: Gerald Maurer MD)
K. Huber
4   Department of Cardiology (Head: Kurt Huber MD), Wilhelminen Spital, Vienna
C. Pirich
5   Department of Nuclear Medicine (Head: Christian Pirich MD), Private Medical University of Salzburg, Austria
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