Relatamos um caso de neurocisticercose racemosa em uma mulher de 37 anos de idade. A paciente apresentava cefaléia holocraniana intensa com duração de dois meses. Não havia sinais clínicos de déficit neurológico ou irritação meníngea. A tomografia computadorizada e a ressonância magnética do crânio foram sugestivas de neurocisticercose, forma racemosa. A paciente foi inicialmente tratada com albendazol e dexametasona mas, devido à piora do quadro clínico optou-se pelo tratamento neurocirúrgico. É feita revisão da literatura sobre as condutas adotadas na neurocisticercose racemosa.
A case of racemose cysternal neurocysticercosis in a 37-year-old woman is reported. The patient presented with intermittent severe headache for two moths. There was no neurodeficit or meningeal signs. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated findings compatible with racemose form of neurocysticercosis. Surgical treatment was indicated because her clinical condition deteriorated and considered not responsive to the medical treatment with albendazole and dexamethasone. She presented a very good evolution following the surgery. A brief review of the literature related to the treatment of racemose form of neurocysticercosis is presented.
Neurocisticercose racemosa
Key words
Racemose cysticercosis