Nervenheilkunde, Table of Contents Nervenheilkunde 2017; 36(04): 281-288DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1627014 Geist & Gehirn Schattauer GmbH „Du machst mich krank!” Paarbeziehung und Gesundheit M. Spitzer Recommend Article Abstract Buy Article Full Text References Literatur 1 Albanese E, Matthews KA, Zhang J, Jacobs Jr DR, Whitmer RA, Wadley VG, Yaffe K, Sidney S, Launer LJ. Hostile attitudes and effortful coping in young adulthood predict cognition 25 years later. Neurology 2016; 86: 1227-1234. 2 Alviar CL, Rockman C, Guo Y, Adelman M, Berger J. Association of marital status with vascular disease in different arterial territories: a population based study of over 3.5 million subjects. J Am Col Cardiol 2014; 63: A1328. 3 Baumeister RF, Bratslavsky E, Finkenauer C, Vohs KD. Bad is stronger than good. Review of General Psychology 2001; 05: 323-370. 4 Carr D, Cornman JC, Freedman VA. 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