Nervenheilkunde, Table of Contents Nervenheilkunde 2009; 28(11): 773-777DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1627158 Editorial Schattauer GmbH Natur und Gemeinschaft Auswirkungen des Naturerlebens auf prosoziale MotiveNature and communityEffects of the nature experience on prosocial motives M. Spitzer Recommend Article Abstract Buy Article Full Text References Literatur 1 Emmons RA. Personal strivings, daily life evens, and psychological and physical well-being. Journal of Personality 1991; 59: 453-472. 2 Frantz C, Mayer FS, Norton C, Rock M. There is no ,,I“ in nature: The influence of self-awareness on connectedness to nature. Journal of Environmental Psychology 2005; 25: 427-436. 3 Kaplan S. The restorative benefits of nature: Toward an integrative framework. Journal of Environmental Psychology 1995; 15: 169-182. 4 Kaplan S, Talbot JF. Psychological benefits of a wilderness experience. In: Altman I, Wohlwill JE. (Hrsg.) Behavior and the natural environment. New York: Plenum Press; 1983 5 Plante TG, Cage C, Clements S, Stover A. Psychological benefits of exercise paired with virtual reality. Outdoor exercise enerizes whereas indoor virtual exercise relaxes. International Journal of Stress Management 2006; 13: 108-117. 6 Spitzer M. Neuroökonomie. Nervenheilkunde 2003; 22: 325-327. 7 Spitzer M. Landschaft. Ästhetik von Petrarca bis zum Titan, über Darwin und den Tsunami. Nervenheilkunde 2005; 24: 137-143. 8 Spitzer M. Geben ist seliger denn Nehmen 2.0. Wie man Geld ausgibt, um glücklich zu sein. Nervenheilkunde 2008; 27: 495-498. 9 Stilgoe JR. Gone barefoot lately?. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2001; 20: 243-244. 10 Tarrant MA. Attending to past outdoor recreation experiences: Symptom reporting and changes in affect. Journal of Leisure Research 1996; 28: 1-17. 11 Weinstein N, Przybylski AK, Ryan RM. Can Nature Make Us More Caring? Effects of Immersion in Nature on Intrinsic Aspirations and Generosity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 2009; 35: 1315-1329.