Nervenheilkunde, Inhaltsverzeichnis Nervenheilkunde 2012; 31(01/02): 18DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1628206 Editorial Schattauer GmbH Literatur zum Editorial Artikel empfehlen Abstract Artikel einzeln kaufen Volltext Referenzen Literatur 1 Abbink K. Staff rotation as an anti-corruption policy: an experimental study. European Journal of Political Economy 2004; 20: 887-906. 2 Anonymus. Indien: 100 000 Verkehrstote belasten Volkswirtschaft 2008, 3 Anonymus. , accessed am 17.12.2011. 4 Armantier O, Boly A. Can corruption be studied in the lab?. Comparing a lab and a field experiment 2010 5 Armantier O, Boly A. A controlled field experiment on corruption. European Economic Review 2011; 55: 1072-82. 6 Barr A, Serra D. Corruption and culture: An experimental analysis. J Public Econ 2010; 94: 862-9. 7 Bertrand M, Djankov S, Hanna R, Mullainathan S. Does corruption produce unsafe drivers?. NBER Working Paper 12274. 2006 8 Bolle F, Vogel C. Power comes with responsibility – or does it?. Public Choice 2011; 148: 459-70. 9 Cameron L. et al. Propensities to engage in and punish corrupt behavior: Experimental evidence from Australia, India Indonesia and Singapore. Journal of Public Economics 2009; 93: 843-51. 10 Crocker J. The road to fraud starts with a single step. Nature 2011; 479: 151. 11 Dusek L, Ortmann A, Lizal L. Understanding corruption and corruptibility through experiments. Prague Economic Papers 2005; 2: 147-62. 12 Ehrenstein C. So bestechlich sind die Politiker. Die Welt aktuell 1.12.2011; 2. 13 Fisman R, Miguel E. Corruption, norms and legal enforcement: Evidence from diplomatic parking Tickets. Journal of Political Economy 2007; 115: 1020-48. 14 Frank B, Lambsdorff J Graf, Boehm F. Gender and corruption: Lessons from laboratory corruption experiments. European Journal of Development Research 2011; 23: 59-71. 15 Gupta S, Davoodi HR, Alonso-Terme R. Does corruption affect income inequality and poverty?. May 1998 . IMF Working Paper 98/76, International Monetary Fund 1998. 16 Hauk E, Saez-Marti M. On the cultural transmission of corruption. Journal of Economic Theory 2002; 107: 311-35. 17 Hazlewood P. Indiens Straßen sind die gefährlichsten der Welt. 2008 18 Heine H. Deutschland, Ein Wintermärchen. München: Dt. Taschenbuch Verlag; 1844/2007 19 Hessami Z. On the link between government ideology and corruption in the public sector. Paper prepared for the 2011 ISNIE Meeting at Stanford University, 20 Holmes M. et al. Governance and poverty reduction. Weltbank 2000 21 Kaufmann D, Kraay A, Mastruzzi M. Governance matters IV: Governance indicators for 1996–2004. Policy Research Working Paper no. 3630, World Bank; Washington, DC: 2005 22 Kanagaretnam K, Lobo GJ, Mohammad E. Determinants and consequences of large CEO pay. Int J Accounting and Finance 2008; 1: 61-82. 23 Kurzban R. Why everyone (else) is a hypocrite. Evolution and the modular mind. Princeton: University Press; 2010 24 Lammers J, Stapel DA. How power influences moral thinking. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 2009; 97: 279-89. 25 Lammers J, Stapel DA, Galinsky AD. Power increases hypocrisy: moralizing in reasoning, immorality in behavior. Psychological Science 2010; 21: 737-44. 26 Mazar N, Amir O, Ariely D. The dishonesty of honest people: A theory of self-conceptmaintenance. J Marketing Research 2008; 45: 633-45. 27 Olken BA. Monitoring corruption: Evidence from a field experiment in Indonesia. NBER Working Paper 11753;. J Political Economy 2005/2007 200-49. 28 Olken BA. Corruption perceptions vs. corruption reality. NBER Working Paper; J Public Economics (forthcoming) 2009/2012. 29 Orwell G. Animal farm. London: Penguin Classics; 1945/2011 30 Spinney L. The underhandape. New Scientist 212 (2837; 5.11.2011) 42-5. 31 Spitzer M. Zur Neurobiologie der Schadenfreude. Fairness und warum Polizisten gebraucht werden. Nervenheilkunde 2006; 25: 223-8. 32 Spitzer M, Fischbacher U, Herrnberger B, Grön G, Fehr E. The neural signature of social norm compliance. Neuron 2007; 56: 185-96. 33 Spitzer M. Das Schlechte am Guten. Nervenheilkunde 2011; 30: 437-42. 34 Transparency International. Corruption Perception Index 2011, ; 35 Vitali S, Glattfelder JB, Battiston S. The network of global corporate control. PLoS ONE 2011; 6 (10) e25995. 36 Xiao E. Profit-seeking punishment corrupts norm obedience. CMU workingpaper 2011 37 Zimbler M, Feldman RS. Liar, liar, hard drive on fire: How media context affects lying behavior. J Applied Social Psychology 2011; 41: 2492-507. 38 Galinsky AD. et al. Social power reduces the strength of the situation: Implications for creativity, conformity, and dissonance. J Personality and Social Psychology 2008; 95: 1450-66.