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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1628415
Valproate- and comedication-induced change of weight associated with bipolar disorder
Artikel in mehreren Sprachen: deutsch | EnglishPublikationsverlauf
eingegangen am:
07. März 2011
angenommen am:
04. Mai 2011
23. Januar 2018 (online)

Objective: Aim of the study was the prospective examination of change of body weight and various metabolic syndrome-associated parameters in patients with bipolar spectrum disorders under first-line treatment with Valproate and other defined psychotropic comedication. Methods: Over a nine month period, body mass index (BMI), waist hip ratio (WHR), relative adipose tissue and blood lep-tin levels were measured at regular intervals in 14 patients treated with valproate and defined psychopharmacological agents. Results: Accordant with former studies the fat-cell derived hormone leptin correlated significantly with BMI, WHR and with the percental adipose issue. Conclusions: Initially all patients displayed abdominal obesity with increased BMI and WHR. During the nine month course of first-time valproate treatment no overall significant weight gain was recorded in these patients. In particular, no correlation was found between valproate-medication and the weight parameters tested. Psychotropic drug-induced change of weight is a frequent adverse side effect during treatment of bipolar patients. Our findings suggest that in patients undergoing psychopharmacological treatment there is an increased prevalence of metabolic syndrome-associated pathology of abdominal obesity. Further studies are required to corroborate the results.
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