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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1632603
Treatment of Delayed Union and Septic Osteomyelitis of Metacarpus III/IV in a Calf Using Gentamicin-impregnated Collagen Sponges and Minimal External Coaptation
Publication History
Received 18 May 1997
Accepted 16 September 1997
Publication Date:
09 February 2018 (online)

A newborn calf was admitted for evaluation of a primarily closed comminuted metaphyseal fracture of metacarpus III/IV. Closed reduction and application of transfixation pins and a fibreglass cast were performed. Ten days after pin removal, radiographs revealed that the initially healed fracture had collapsed, and osteomyelitis was diagnosed. Bacteriological culture from the deep draining tract yielded Actinomyces pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus. Standard treatment of delayed union or nonunion caused by septic osteomyelitis consists of surgical debridement, rigid fixation, and long-time administration of antibiotics. In this case, we used surgical debridement, administration of a new long-acting local antibiotic (gentamicin- impregnated collagen sponges), and minimal external stabilization. At day 27 after initiation of this treatment, the skin defect had healed, and the fracture was stable on manual palpation.
Standard treatment of delayed union or nonunion caused by septic osteomyelitis consists of surgical debridement, rigid fixation and prolonged administration of antibiotics. In the case described, we used surgical debridement, administration of a long-acting local antibiotic (gentamicin-impregnated collagen sponges), and minimal external stabilization. The promising outcome of this case and the good results in human surgery warrant further investigation in the use of gentamicin-impregnated collagen sponges in veterinary orthopaedics.
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