Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 2000; 13(02): 97-103
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1632638
Clinical Communication
Schattauer GmbH

Lumbosacral Degenerative Stenosis in the Dog

The Results of Dorsal Decompression with Dorsal Anulectomy and Nuclectomy
L. A. A. Janssens
1   Referral Practice for Companion Animals, Antwerpen, Belgium
Y. Moens
1   Referral Practice for Companion Animals, Antwerpen, Belgium
P. Coppens
1   Referral Practice for Companion Animals, Antwerpen, Belgium
Kathelijne Peremans
1   Referral Practice for Companion Animals, Antwerpen, Belgium
H. Vinck
1   Referral Practice for Companion Animals, Antwerpen, Belgium
› Institutsangaben
We like to thank Lambert Leijssen from the Janssen Research Foundation for helping us with the figures and tables, Dr. Bjorn Meij from Utrecht University for reviewing the manuscript and for allowing us to use his inquiry form and Walter van den Brom for his statistical help.
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Received 22. Februar 1999

Accepted 06. Juni 1999

09. Februar 2018 (online)


A total of thirtyfive dogs with a Hansen type two disc protrusion of the lumbosacral region were operated upon with a technique consisting of dorsal decompression, dorsal anulectomy and disc curettage. The presurgical signs existed for 14 months (mean) and 97% of the animals had been treated unsuccessfully with antiinflammatory drugs. The mean age at the time of surgery was 7,2 years and the mean weight 28 kg. Seventyone percent of the animals were males. A postsurgical questionnaire was mailed to the owners – mean 30 months – after surgery. The results of the surgery were such that 69% of the owners reported that their dog ameliorated after surgery of which 53% found their dog to be completely cured. Comparing the surgical results of this group with a comparable group of animals operated with a dorsal decompression technique alone (without anulectomy), and of which the owners were questioned with the same questionnaire, yielded identical clinical results. Our conclusion therefore is, that the more aggressive and invasive surgery which is neither suitable nor appropriate in that subgroup of patients with lumbosacral degenerative stenosis, plus a type II Hansen disc protrusion and without any, neurological deficit.

The results of the surgical treatment of Hansen type II disc protrusion are described. Owners reported that 69% of the patients improved following the operation and that 53% were cured.


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