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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1633394
A new wave in behavior therapy
Is it a new chance for better treatment options of psychiatric disorders? Artikel in mehreren Sprachen: deutsch | EnglishPublikationsverlauf
eingegangen am:
01. November 2013
angenommen am:
30. Dezember 2013
02. Februar 2018 (online)

In the last years new perspectives in behavior therapy have lead to new treatment concepts. The present volume of this journal contains several articles reflecting this development. This paper critically analyzes and discusses some common aspects of such ideas. The “New Wave of Behavior Therapy” contains elements, which can be seen as further progress. Firstly, there is a re-discovery of emotional experiences and subconsciously triggered emotional processes and behavioral routines. Furthermore behavior therapy is changing its face by recognizing the psychodynamic of therapeutic relations: dysfunctional behavioral routines, which are activated between patient and therapist, are being integrated in the reflection of therapeutic process. This has the effect that not only the disorder but also symptoms activated by the “transference relation” and associated needs become therapeutic signposts.
* Bei dieser Arbeit handelt sich um eine deutlich aktualisierte Fassung des Kapitels “Achtsamkeit, Fürsorge, Akzeptanz: Eine neue Welle der Verhaltenstherapie kommt ins Rollen” aus dem Buch “Verhaltenstherapie mon amour” (8).
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