To test television exposure’s contribution to overweight (BMI> 95th percentile /age) status in 11.3% of 2001 YRBS respondents, when controlling for moderate/vigorous activity, and eating habits.
Controlling for age, ethnicity, smoking, moderate/vigorous activity, and diet habits, gender-specific SUDAAN models estimate likelihood (O.R.) for overweight in teens watching 2+ hours of TV/day.
TV exposure independently increases odds of overweight by 50% for both genders (boys: OR 1.5 [1.2-1.8]; girls: OR 1.6 [1.2-2.0]), when other covariates are controlled. Low vigorous activity rate (1.39 [1.1-1.86]) and smoking independently promote obesity in girls, while boys with fewer fruit/ vegetable servings are less likely to be overweight (.76 [.60-.96]).
Current school-based interventions promote environmental and curricular changes for healthier diets and increased activity rates. TV exposure, however, is rarely targeted as a separate risk factor, and requires attention at the individual, family, and community levels.
Adolescents - obesity - physical activity - television - diet