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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1634170
From Hospital Information Systems to Health Information Systems
Problems, Challenges, PerspectivesPublikationsverlauf
12. Dezember 2000
09. März 2001
08. Februar 2018 (online)

Objectives: Hospital information systems are evolving towards health information systems. This article aims at identifying both proven benefits and critical issues, and at discussing problems and possible solutions.
Methods: Reports on HIS successes and failures were analyzed, and core challenges were identified. These challenges are discussed against state of the art solutions.
Results: In spite of demonstrated benefits, there are more severe problems than reports on successes suggest. Among today’s core problems are integration, human-computer interaction, socio-technical issues, and support of processes.
Conclusions: Significant efforts of all parties involved in the health care process are needed to improve, implement, and evaluate the concepts described.
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