Methods Inf Med 2001; 40(02): 141-147
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1634477
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH

Survival Analysis with Time-varying Relative Risks: A Tree-Based Approach

R. Xu
1   Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health, and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston MA, USA
S. Adak
1   Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health, and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston MA, USA
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07. Februar 2018 (online)


A tree-based method for estimating time-varying effects of baseline patient characteristics on survival is introduced. A Cox-type model for censored survival data is used in which the time-varying relative risks are modelled as piecewise constants.

The tree method consists of three steps: 1. Growing the tree, in which a fast algorithm using maximized score statistics is utilized to determine the optimal change points; 2. A pruning algorithm is applied to obtain more parsimonious models; 3. Selection of a final tree, which may be either via bootstrap resampling or based on a measure of explained variation.

The piecewise constant model is more suitable for clinical interpretation of the regression parameters than the more continuously time-varying models (spline, loess, etc.) that have been proposed previously.