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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1636317
Computer Processing of Routine Psychiatric Records[*)] [**)]
Computerbearbeitung Von Psychiatrischen RoutinekrankenblatternPublication History
Publication Date:
16 February 2018 (online)

The feasibility of computer processing of routine medical records is described. This can be done centrally with existing computer facilities. In the peripheral component of a reporting system, an efficient manual processing system can be provided by use of the PABLUM-1 system.
Verfasser beschreibt eine Möglichkeit, Routinekrankengeschichten mittels eines Computers zu verarbeiten. Diese Verarbeitung erfolgt zentral; die Verwendung des PABLUM-1 Systems (Peek-a-Boo Logic Used Manually) gestattet eine manuelle Auswertung der Daten in der Peripherie.
* Expanded version of a paper originally presented to the 6th IBM Medical Symposium, Poughkeepsie, 1964
** This research was assisted by Mental Health Grant 609-5-138 and Public Health Grant 609-7-133 of the National Health Grants Programme, and the Mental Health Research Award of the Canadian Mental Health Association
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