Yearbook of Medical Informatics, Table of Contents Yearb Med Inform 2004; 13(01): 226-267DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1638211 Best Paper Selection Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart Special Section Towards Clinical Bioinformatics Recommend Article Abstract Full Text References References 1 Antoniadis A, Lambert-Lacroix A, Leblanc F. Effective dimension reduction methods for tumor classification using gene expression data. Bioinformatics 2003; Mar 22 19 (05) 563-70. 2 Beerenwinkel N, Schmidt B, Walter H, Kaiser R, Lengauer T, Hoffmann D, Korn K, Selbig J. Diversity and complexity of HIV-1 drug resistance: a bioinformatics approach to predicting phenotype from genotype. Proc Natl AcadSci USA 2002; Jun 11 99 (12) 8271-6. 3 Cariou A, Chiche JD, Charpentier J, Dhainaut JF, Mira JP. The era of genomics: impact on sepsis clinical trial design. Crit Care Med 2002; May 30 (05) Suppl S341-8. 4 Martin-Sanchez F, Maojo V, Lopez-Campos G. Integrating genomics into health information systems. Methods Inf Med 2002; 41 (01) 25-30. 5 Nagl SB. Computational function assignment for potential drug targets: from single genes to cellular systems. Curr Drug Targets 2002; Oct 3 (05) 387-99.