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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1638444
New e-Health Tracks in Engineering Education of the Politecnico di Milano
Publication History
Publication Date:
06 March 2018 (online)

In Italian universities, most curricula have recently been deeply innovated. Out of the historical and usual five-year-based degrees to be taken after the five-year-based Secondary School / High School the University system moved into a 3+2 year university framework. Engineering curricula were changed too. Such a wide reform forced the redesign of many courses, even entire course tracks. In some cases it also facilitated the re-design of Doctoral (Ph.D.) programs. The introduction of some one-year based and subject-focused programs, to be taken right after a specifically considered degree, was facilitated as well.
At the Engineering Faculties of the Politecnico di Milano, as far as it concerns Medical Informatics and Telemedicine, curricular courses and course tracks, as well as a couple of one-year subject-oriented programs have been widely re-organized. We describe the entire new educational offer.
The aim of the educational offer remains to enable students to acquire technical skills, and to use them for becoming Medical Information and Communication Technology experts. Often the student involvement in research is the practical pass for obtaining such result. In doing so students understand better what a positive technological return for the users is. Running research programs relate to the Visible Human Dataset and Digital Anatomy, to textual and image Data Integration, to Health Information System and eHealth, and to Bioinformatics. Some prototypes, developed at the Laboratory of Medical Informatics and Telemedicine, are briefly mentioned.
- 1 Politecnico di Milano. Overview on Academics. Available at: Last access: Oct 4, 2004.
- 2 EUROPA Education and Training Socrates programme European Community action programme for cooperation in the field of education. European Credit Transfer System. Available at: Last access: Oct 4, 2004.
- 3 Dipartimento di Bioingegneria. Politecnico di Milano. Home page. Available at: Last access: Oct 4, 2004.
- 4 CEFRIEL The Politecnico di Milano’s Information and Communication Technology Center of Excellence For Research, Innovation, Education and industrial Labs partnership. Home page. Available at: Last access: Oct 4, 2004.
- 5 Cerveri P, Pinciroli F. Symbolic representation of anatomical knowledge: concept classification and development strategies. J Biomed Inform 2001; Oct 34 (05) 321-47.
- 6 Bonacina S, Masseroli M, Menegoni F, Quattrone G, Pinciroli F. A colorimetric characterization of the raw digital data of the visible human dataset images. Proc AMIA Symp 2003; 793.
- 7 Bonacina S, Menegoni F, Pinciroli F, Masseroli M. A 3D interactive multimodal viewer as data mining tool for the Visible Human Dataset color image histograms. In: Phillips R, Hoffman HM, Haluck RS, Mogel GT, Robb RA, Westwood JD. editors. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 12. Building a Better You: The Next Tools for Medical Education, Diagnosis, and Care. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press; 2004: 28-30 (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; vol 98)
- 8 Pinciroli F, Nahaissi D, Boschini M, Ferrari R, Meloni G, Camnasio M. et al. Security concept in ‘MyAngelWeb®’ a website for the individual patient at risk of emergency. Int J Med Inf 2000; Nov 1 60 (02) 203-210.
- 9 Pinciroli F, Corbetta E, Tamburini MF, Mattasoglio A, Bonacina S, Masseroli M. et al. Speak-ER: an audible web-based medical record for emergency patients. In: Demiris G. editor. e-health: current status and future trends. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press; 2004. (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics; vol 106) 93-106.
- 10 Masseroli M, Cerveri P, Pelicci PG, Alcalay M. GAAS: Gene Array Analyzer Software for management, analysis and visualization of gene expression data. Bioinformatics 2003; Apr 12 19 (06) 774-5.
- 11 Masseroli M, Martucci D, Pinciroli F. GFINDer: Genome Function INtegrated Discoverer through dynamic annotation, statistical analysis, and mining. Nucleic Acids Res 2004; Jul 1 32 (Web Server issue) W293-300.
- 12 Masseroli M, Stella A, Meani N, Alcalay M, Pinciroli F. MyWEST: My Web ExtractionSoftwareToolforeffectivemining of annotations from web-based databanks. Bioinformatics. 2004 Jul 9 [Epub ahead of print: