Yearbook of Medical Informatics, Table of Contents Yearb Med Inform 2007; 16(01): 21DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1638571 Best paper selection Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart Special Section Biomedical Informatics for Sustainable Health Systems Recommend Article Abstract Full Text References Anderson GF, Frogner BK, Johns RA, Reinhardt UE. Health care spending and use of information technology in OECD countries. Health Aff 2006; May-Jun; 25 (03) 819-31 Bagayoko CO, Muller H, Geissbuhler A. Assessment of Internet-based tele-medicine in Africa (the RAFT project).. Comput Med Imaging Graph 2006 Sep-Oct; 30 6-7 407-16 Croll PR, Croll J. Investigating risk exposure in e-health systems Int J Med Inform. 2006 Nov 22. Shabo A. A global socio-economic-medico-legal model for the sustainability of longitudinal electronic health records. Part 1. Methods Inf Med 2006; 45 (03) 240-5 Link Shabo A. A global socio-economic-medico-legal model for the sustainability of longitudinal electronic health records. Part 2. Methods Inf Med 2006; 45 (05) 498-505 Link