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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1639985
Submaxillary carcinoma or lymphoma – difficulties in diagnosis
Submaxillary carcinoma or lymphoma has been taken into consideration in one case with a submaxillary tumor mass of about 5/6 cm. Salivary gland cancer represent 6% of all head and neck cancers, 80% of the parotid, 10 – 15% submaxillary and the rest in the minor salivary glands. I will present a case of a Hodkin Lymphoma with submaxillary occurrence. Preoperative ENT exam and CT scan where leaning towards submaxillary tumor mass and the histopathological exam confirmed the lymphoma. The complementary immunohistochemical tests revealed an Hodkin Lymphoma. Difficult differential diagnosis or misdiagnosis are often the case when treating submaxillary tumoral masses.
18. April 2018 (online)
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