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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1642379
Blood Fibrinolysis and the Response to Desmopressin in Glomerulonephritis
Publication History
Received: 18 March 1993
Accepted after revision 28 September 1993
Publication Date:
12 July 2018 (online)

Fibrinolytic parameters and von Willebrand factor (VWF) antigen were measured in 22 patients with glomerulonephritis (GN) who underwent renal biopsy after desmopressin (DDAVP) infusion. Blood was collected immediately before and after DDAVP infusion, after one week, and 3–6 months later. The main abnormalities on admission were the following: the mean baseline levels of t-PA antigen and VWF were significantly higher in GN patients than in 22 healthy controls; the median t-PA activity and the mean scu-PA level were significantly lower than normal . The t-PA response to DDAVP was impaired in 7 patients (32%), the response of VWF in 9 patients (41%), and the u-PA: Ag response in 11 patients (50%). When the patients were stratified according to creatinine clearance rate, significant differences between the subgroups with severely and moderately impaired renal function were noted: the baseline levels of PAI activity and VWF were higher in patients with severe renal failure and the VWF response to DDAVP was significantly lower. The response of u-PA (not of t-PA or VWF) to DDAVP appeared to correlate with urine flow during the first 24 h, suggesting the dependence of u-PA release on intact nephrons. A series of 18 patients with adult-type polycystic kidney disease (APKD) with creatinine clearance rates in the same abnormal range as the GN patients, had lower mean PAI and a significantly higher mean scu-PA level. Normalization of scu-PA and t-PA:Ag levels during follow-up despite impaired renal function in GN, and the absence of depressed scu-PA levels in APKD suggest that the fibrinolytic abnormalities are independent of the impaired renal function per se, but associated with the acute stage of nephritis.
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