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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1642777
A Monoclonal Antibody-Based Enzyme Immunoassay for Fibrin Degradation Products in Plasma
Received 01. Juli 1987
Accepted after revision 28. Dezember 1987
21. Mai 2018 (online)

We have developed a sandwich-type enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for the quantitation of fibrin degradation products (FbDP) in plasma with a time-to-result of only 45 minutes.* The assay is based on the combination of the specificities of two monoclonal antibodies (FDP-14 and DD-13), developed in our institute. FDP-14, the capture antibody, binds both fibrinogen degradation products (FbgDP) and FbDP, but does not react with the parent fibrin(ogen) molecules. It has its epitope in the E-domain of the fibrinogen molecule on the Bβ-chain between amino acids 54-118. Antibody DD-13 was raised using D-dimer as antigen and is used as a tagging antibody, conjugated with horse-radish peroxidase. A strong positive reaction is obtained with a whole blood clot lysate (lysis induced by tissue-type plasminogen activator) which is used as a standard. The EIA does virtually not detect FbgDP i. e. purified fragments X, Y, or FbgDP generated in vitro in plasma by streptokinase treatment. This indicates that the assay is specific for fibrin degradation products.
We have successfully applied this assay to the plasma of patients with a variety of diseased states. In combination with the assay previously developed by us for FbgDP and for the total amount of FbgDP + FbDP (TDP) in plasma, we are now able to study the composition of TDP in patients plasma in terms of FbgDP and FbDP.
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