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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1645042
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Levels in Patients with Chronic Angina Pectoris with or without Angiographic Evidence of Coronary Sclerosis
Received 12. Juni 1989
Accepted after revision 08. Januar 1990
30. Juni 2018 (online)

Increased plasma levels of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) have been shown to exist in 40 to 60% of patients with stable coronary artery disease and have been suggested to be responsible for the development of coronary thrombotic complications. However, it is also discussed whether PAI-1 elevation might mainly be due to variables like increased age or to reactive mechanisms caused e.g. by the chest pain itself. To exclude age dependent ui pain related influences, age-matched patients with stable angina pectoris (NHYA II) and angiographically proven coronary artery disease (CAD, n = 16) or without evidence for coronary sclerosis (variant angina, n = 10; angina-like syndrome with normal coronary angiogram, n = 5; non-CAD, n = 15) have been investigated for their plasma PAI-1 activity and t-PA antigen levels. The mean PAI activity in CAD patients (17.5 U/ml) was significantly higher than in non-CAD patients (9.6 U/ml) (p <0.0001). In the CAD patients no significant variation in plasma PAI-1 values could be demonstrated when related to the extent of the disease or to a history of previous myocardial infarction t-PA antigen was also elevated m CAD patients as compared to the non-CAD group (p <0.02). The results suggest therefore a strong correlation between coronary artery disease itself and elevated levels of components of the plasma fibrinolytic system.
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