The amidolytic activity of enzymes derived from factor XII (XIIa) was 3-fold higher in plasmas collected during pregnancy than from control subjects. Factor VII coagulant activity (VIIc) and XIIa increased in both kinds of plasmas on incubation on ice for 24 h (cold activation). These increases could be attributed to the decreased potency of C1 inhibitor (C1INH). However, variations in the concentration of C1INH and of factor XII could not explain the differences in VIIc and in XIIa between late pregnancy and control plasmas following cold activation under the same conditions. It is concluded that in vitro the increased amount of contact surface in the late pregnancy plasma promotes a higher rate of generation of XIIa and consequently a higher rate of activation of factor VII. The increased amount of contact surface could also be responsible for the increased concentration of XIIa in non-treated plasma from late pregnancy and could contribute in vivo to the higher reactivity of factor VII in this condition.