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Thromb Haemost 1990; 63(02): 319-320
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1645218
Letters to the Editor
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Thrombosis and Pregnancy in Congenital Deficiencies in AT III, Protein C or Protein S: Study of 78 Women

J Conard
Laboratory of Haematology, Hotel-Dieu Hospital, Paris, France
M H Horellou
Laboratory of Haematology, Hotel-Dieu Hospital, Paris, France
P Van Dreden
Laboratory of Haematology, Hotel-Dieu Hospital, Paris, France
T Lecompte
Laboratory of Haematology, Hotel-Dieu Hospital, Paris, France
M Samama
Laboratory of Haematology, Hotel-Dieu Hospital, Paris, France
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