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Thromb Haemost 1992; 68(04): 418-423
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1646289
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Influence of the Xanthine Derivate HWA 138 on Endotoxin-Related Coagulation Disturbances: Effects in Non-Sensitized vs D-Galactosamine Sensitized Rats

Soheyl Bahrami
The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Experimental and Clinical Traumatology, Vienna, Austria
H Redl
The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Experimental and Clinical Traumatology, Vienna, Austria
W A Buurman
1   The Department of Surgery, University of Limburg, Maastricht, The Netherlands
G Schlag
The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Experimental and Clinical Traumatology, Vienna, Austria
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