It is well known that the function of platelets decreases progressively during storage of platelet concentrates at room temperature. To investigate this phenomenon in more detail, we have resuspended platelets that had been stored for 24 h or 72 h in fresh plasma, and we have measured the aggregation response and the ATP secretion. Conversely, the effect of plasma in which platelet concentrates (PC) had been stored for 24 h or 72 h, was tested on fresh platelets. Both the aggregation response to collagen and ADP and the collagen-induced ATP secretion of stored platelets partially recovered after incubation with fresh plasma (p <0.05). The same parameters measured with fresh platelets incubated in stored PC-plasma were found to be significantly reduced in comparison with the response of fresh platelets in fresh plasma (p <0.05). Finally, platelets were stored in a plasma-free medium, suitable for platelet storage and the supernatant was tested. This supernatant inhibited the function of fresh platelets in a storage time-dependent fashion. Boiling of these supernatants did not change the inhibiting capacities, whereas filtration over active charcoal did. Analysis of this supernatant revealed AMP and diadenosine tetraphosphate, which both inhibit platelet function.
These data show that stored platelets release nucleotides that inhibit platelet function in a reversible manner. This phenomenon may contribute to the decrease of platelet function during storage and the recovery of platelet function after transfusion.