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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1646624
Additive Effect of dDAVP and Standard Heparin inIncreasing Plasma t-PA
Publication History
Received 23 August 1988
Accepted after revision 10 March 1989
Publication Date:
24 July 2018 (online)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the existence of an additive effect between standard heparin and dDAVP in the enhancement of endogenous fibrinolysis. Eight healthy volunteers were studied in a randomized double blind placebo controlled cross-over trial. The volunteers were treated i. v. with dDAVP, 0.4 μg/kg, over 15 minutes followed by an i. v. bolus dose of either standard heparin, 5,000 I.U., or saline. A 48 hour wash-out period was adopted. The infusion of dDAVP followed by standard heparin resulted in a higher increase in plasma t-PA actiyity, t-PA antigen, circulating t-PA specific activity and FPLA when compared with dDAVP followed by saline. The difference was already statistically significant at 15 minutes after the infusion of dDAVP and lasted for up to 60 minutes after the end of the infusion of dDAVP. Plasma PAI 1 showed a slightly higher decrease after dDAVP plus standard heparin than after dDAVP plus saline but this difference was not statistically significant. No statistically significant changes of fibrinogen and α2-antiplasmin levels were observed. As expected, the infusion of standard heparin resulted in an increase in plasma anti-Xa activity and in a prolongation of aPTT Our results demonstrated an additive effect of dDAVP and standard heparin on the increase in circulating t-PA, the effect of dDAVP being potentiated and prolonged by heparin. This observation could prospect a combined use of dDAVP and standard heparin in the prophylaxis and treatment of thromboembolic diseases.
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