Thromb Haemost 1979; 41(04): 745-755
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1646834
Original Articles
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Influence of Moderate and Strenuous Daily Physical Activity on Fibrinolytic Activity of Blood: Possibility of Plasminogen Activator Stores Depletion

Dušan Keber
The Institute of Gerontology, 3rd Clinic of Internal Medicine, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
Mojca Stegnar
The Institute of Gerontology, 3rd Clinic of Internal Medicine, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
Irena Keber
The Institute of Gerontology, 3rd Clinic of Internal Medicine, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
Bojan Accetto
The Institute of Gerontology, 3rd Clinic of Internal Medicine, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
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Received 29. Juni 1978

Accepted 10. August 1978

09. Juli 2018 (online)


Fibrinolysis was studied in 10 alpinists during regular physical activity of different intensity. Blood was sampled at rest and after exposure to submaximal workload on the treadmill on three occasions: before and after 6 months physical conditioning (moderate physical activity), and after 6 weeks of an alpinistic expedition (strenuous physical activity). Measurements included submaximal working capacity, fibrinogen, euglobulin clot lysis time (ELT), whole plasma clot lysis time, and estimations derived from ELT - percent increase in fibrinolytic activity after exercise (RFS), and absolute increase in fibrinolytic activity after exercise (PAR).

Regular moderate activity increased the resting level of ELT, but strenuous activity decreased is. After each treadmill testing, a marked increase in fibrinolytic activity was observed. RFS was unaltered at all three testings. PAR increased after moderate activity, but decreased after strenuous activity.

The results indicate that regular physical activity can lead from enhanced to decreased resting activity of plasminogen activator in blood. It is presumed that increased release of activator during prolonged stress causes partial depletion of endothelial stores with the consequence of decreased activator activity in the blood.

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