Thromb Haemost 1989; 62(02): 792-796
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1646905
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Quantitation of Plasma Levels of Tetranectin - Effects of Oral Contraceptives, Pregnancy, Treatment with L-Asparaginase and Liver Cirrhosis

C Kluft
1   The Gaubius Institute TNO, Leiden, The Netherlands
P Los
1   The Gaubius Institute TNO, Leiden, The Netherlands
I Clemmensen
2   The Department of Clinical Microbiology and Clinical Chemistry, Hvidovre Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
E J P Brommer
1   The Gaubius Institute TNO, Leiden, The Netherlands
J A Gevers Leuven
1   The Gaubius Institute TNO, Leiden, The Netherlands
A L Boks
3   The Intensive Care Department and Internal Medicine II, University Hospital Dijkzigt, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
E Vellenga
4   The Department of Haematology, University Hospital Groningen, The Netherlands
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Received 11. Januar 1988

Accepted after revision 12. Mai 1989

30. Juni 2018 (online)


Tetranectin is a tetrameric protein that binds to kringle 4 of plasminogen. Increase of electrophoretic mobility of the otherwise slowly migrating tetranectin in the presence of ethylenediaminetetraacetate was used to develop a reproducible electroimmunoassay to quantify plasma levels. Plasma levels in normals were found within narrow limits of 100 ± 16 (SD)%, (100% =0.15 pmol/1). There was no difference between males and females, smokers and non-smokers, and there were no significant changes with age from 20 to 49 years.

Patients with severe liver cirrhosis showed a large variation in plasma tetranectin levels but no systematic or average reduction, in contrast to strong reductions in plasma levels of other proteins. Patients treated with L-asparaginase showed a gradual reduction in time in plasma levels of various proteins, though tetranectin showed no significant reduction.

It is concluded that tetranectin can be assayed reproducibly in plasma and has a well regulated plasma level. This level is not sensitive to conditions with reductions in synthesis of many proteins, such as during cirrhosis of the liver and during L-asparaginase therapy. The reductions in plasma levels during the use of oral contraceptives and pregnancy indicate involvement of sex steroids in the metabolism of tetranectin.

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