Thromb Haemost 1988; 60(03): 486-490
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1646996
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

5HT-Kinetics and Sensitivity of Human Blood Platelets: Variations with Age, Gender and Platelet Number

Alfred Pletscher
The Department of Medicine and Department of Research, University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland
Natalia Fetkovska
The Department of Medicine and Department of Research, University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland
Ruth Amstein
The Department of Medicine and Department of Research, University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland
Fabrizia Ferracin
The Department of Medicine and Department of Research, University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland
Martin Regenass
The Department of Medicine and Department of Research, University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland
Fritz R BÜhler
The Department of Medicine and Department of Research, University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland
› Author Affiliations
Further Information

Publication History

Received 23 February 1988

Accepted after revision 10 August 1988

Publication Date:
23 July 2018 (online)


Platelet shape change and aggregation as well as serotonin (5–hydroxytryptamine; 5HT) content in platelets, spontaneous release of 5HT, 5HT plasma levels, urinary excretion of 5–hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5HIAA) and plasma (3–thromboglobulin (β–TG) were investigated in 45 healthy subjects (27 men, 18 women). Platelets from women were more susceptible to aggregation (both by 5HT and ADP) than platelets from men. However, in men, 5HT-induced shape change and aggregation as well as plasma β–TG concentration increased with age. In men, 5HT–induced platelet aggregation correlated positively with 5HT plasma levels. An inverse relationship was found in men between platelet number on the one hand and platelet 5HT content, 5HT release, 5HT plasma levels and urinary 5HIAA excretion rates on the other hand. In all subjects 5HT-induced platelet aggregation correlated negatively with platelet number

These results indicate that age and gender must be considered in designing clinical studies on 5HT and in evaluating human platelet 5HT kinetics. The platelet number seems to be related to 5HT kinetics of platelets and their reaction to 5HT in men. An age-dependent change in the reactivity of platelets to 5HT (rather than their absolute 5HT sensitivity) may contribute to the enhanced platelet turnover and higher incidence of cardiac events in older men

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