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Thromb Haemost 1990; 64(04): 550-555
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1647356
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Properties of Thrombolytic Agents in Vitro Using a Perfusion Circuit Attaining Shear Stress at Physiological Levels

N Nishino
o   The Dept. of Physiology and BiophysicsSt. Mary’s Hospital Medical School, Paddington, London, U.K.
M F Scully
+   The Thrombosis Research Institute, Emmanuel Kaye Building, Chelsea, London
M W Rampling
o   The Dept. of Physiology and BiophysicsSt. Mary’s Hospital Medical School, Paddington, London, U.K.
V V Kakkar
o   The Dept. of Physiology and BiophysicsSt. Mary’s Hospital Medical School, Paddington, London, U.K.
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