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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1647460
Blood Flow Stasis Induced by cw-Nd: YAG Laser Irradiation: Comparative Morphology of Mesenteric and Choroidal Vessels in Pigmented Rabbits
Publication History
Received 27 April 1990
Accepted after revision 14 August 1990
Publication Date:
02 July 2018 (online)

cw-Nd: YAG laser radiation was effective in producing blood flow stasis within arteries (35 – 40 μm in diameter) of pigmented rabbit mesentery (beam spot size: 80 μm; fluence :2 × 104 J cm−2) and choroid (beam spot size : 200 μm; fluence: 6 × 102 J cm−2) However, the mechanism by which this was achieved differed in each case, and depended upon the energy absorbing structures present in the irradiated tissue. In non-pigmented tissue, such as the mesentaty, haemoglobin represents the primary absorption centre, and the temperature attained within the vessel lumen (as inferred from morphological changes) is sufficient to denature plasma proteins, in particular fibrinogen, which consequently occlude the vessel lumen and arrest bleeding. In pigmented tissue, such as the choroid, melanocyte granules represent the primary absorption centre, which is thus shifted from the vessel lumen to the stroma. The temperature rise achieved within the vessel lumen is consequently loweq as evidenced by the absence of plasma protein denaturation. Blood flow stasis nonetheless occurs, but is triggered according to the normal haemostatic mechanism.
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