Thromb Haemost 1988; 59(03): 349-352
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1647493
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Bleeding Symptoms in Carriers of Hemophilia A and B

E P Mauser Bunschoten
1   The Van Creveld Clinic, Hemophilia Clinic, Medical Center “Berg en Bosch”, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
J C van Houwelingen
2   The Department of Mathematical Statistics, State University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
E J M Sjamsoedin Visser
1   The Van Creveld Clinic, Hemophilia Clinic, Medical Center “Berg en Bosch”, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
3   The University Hospital for Children and Youth “Het Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis”, Utrecht, The Netherlands
P J van Dijken
1   The Van Creveld Clinic, Hemophilia Clinic, Medical Center “Berg en Bosch”, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
3   The University Hospital for Children and Youth “Het Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis”, Utrecht, The Netherlands
A J Kok
1   The Van Creveld Clinic, Hemophilia Clinic, Medical Center “Berg en Bosch”, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
J J Sixma
4   The Department of Hematology State University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
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Received 25. Mai 1986

Accepted after revision 26. Oktober 1987

29. Juni 2018 (online)


In order to investigate the bleeding tendency in clinically identified carriers of hemophilia, a self-administered questionnaire was held among 135 carriers of hemophilia A and B, 25 females with relatives with hemophilia and a matched group consisting of 60 females without relatives with hemophilia. Carriers of hemophilia appeared to suffer more often from bleeding than their relatives or the matched unrelated control group. A relation was seen between factor VIII :C or IX :C activity and the tendency to bleed. Obligatory carriers with normal factor VIII :C levels showed no bleeding tendency and were in this respect similar to a group of 25 females with relatives with hemophilia. This study shows that it is important to assay factor VIII: C or IX: C also in those women in whom the carrier status has already been established otherwise.

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