Thromb Haemost 1973; 29(02): 510-517
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1647790
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH

Influence of Pregnancy and Oral Contraceptives on Platelets in Relation to Coagulation ancl Aggregation[*]

F Lecompte
1   Laboratory of Experimental Pathology, Montreal Heart Institute and Department of Pathologiy, University of Montreal
S Renaud+
1   Laboratory of Experimental Pathology, Montreal Heart Institute and Department of Pathologiy, University of Montreal
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Received 18. Mai 1972

30. Juni 2018 (online)

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Holtzman rats, 16 to 19 days pregnant, exhibited in vitro hypercoagulability with a 27 % reduction in the plasma clotting time (PCT) (siliconized and plastic) as compared to non-pregnant controls. This hypercoagulability was entirely due to an increased activity of platelet factor 3, since a comparable reduction in the clotting time was obtained when the washed platelets from these animals were resuspended in a standard platelet-poor plasma. In contrast to this, when the platelets in the original plasma were replaced by a phospholipid suspension, the clotting time in plastic but not in glass, was prolonged in pregnant rats, suggesting a decreased activity of the contact system. In addition, the pregnant rats exhibited a marked increased susceptibility of platelets to thrombin and to ADP-induced aggregation.

In 6 pregnant women and in 9 women taking contraceptives, a highly significant in vitro hypercoagulability was also present, since the PCT was decreased 26% and 22%, respectively, as compared to the 14 controls. This hypercoagulability appeared to be entirely due to the increased activity of platelet factor 3 as in rat. However, the clear-cut increased susceptibility of platelets to thrombin and ADP-induced aggregation noted in the pregnant rats was not obtained in either the pregnant women or in the women taking contraceptives.

* This work was presented in part at the Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Pathology, Montreal, Canada, March 1971.

+ Present address : Director, INSERM, Unité, 22 Avenue du Doyen Léne, 69500 Lyon- Bron, France.

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