Using gel chromatography, fibrinogen derivatives present in purified systems or in biological fluids were separated and partially characterized. Eight groups of fibrinogen derivatives could be separated by gel filtration through 6% agarose in large columns, four with an elution volume smaller and four groups with an elution volume larger than that of fibrinogen. Careful calibration of the column allowed estimation of the diffusion coefficients of some of the derivatives and, thus, comparison with derivatives previously identified. Three, rather than two, groups of intermediate derivatives were observed during the degradation of human fibrinogen by plasmin in vitro or in vivo. One of these had a marked tendency to polymerize.
A rather distinct difference in elution pattern was found between plasma obtained during streptokinase administration and from patients with intravascular coagulation.
* Present address: Laboratory for Haemostasis and Thrombosis Research, ‘Mario Negri’ Institute, Via Eritrea, 62 – 20157 Milano, Italy.
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